terça-feira, 7 de abril de 2009


The solar system study has stopped at the Sun! We did make all the elements for our mobile, but there is only one painted and finished - The SUN.
Mat´s drawing

And that's because the Aurora Borealis made such an impact that there is no way out...We are stuck there! There are drawings, paintings, stories and legends, some textbooks pages being made. A trip to Sweden is on demand...
Youtube videos: 1, 2, 3, 4.

Ga dedicou um dos trabalhos semanais do mês de Março aos planetas anões. Achamos injusto a despromoção de Plutão e foi uma maneira simpática de lhe dar mais impacto.
Criou-lhes personalidades de acordo com as suas caracteristicas e deixou-os "falar" num powerpoint.


A few weeks ago we decided to keep Tuesday morning as geometry time, for how long we don´t know... There is something about making straight lines and precision intersections that makes time fly and keeps us in some kind of time/space bubble. The, bad, photos show: the flower (7 circles), 6 points star, the hexagon and repetitions of the same structure. We are now trying to find that same structure in nature...

Just click on the photos to enlarge them...

Ga was also working in some triangle construction, classification and angle amplitude problems.

They both finished the "clock", an exercise invented by Robin Sunne that can be
found here. The perfect final touch to our loooonnnnng multiplication revision.
Mia´s drawing.

And this was the month that ended the fractions quest...yeah !!!
It was fun, but finally over. Mia covered every little aspect of fractional numbers, she considers herself an expert now!

Mia is starting this new block, now in the amazing Springtime, with flowers and seeds everywhere. She is collecting samples in our morning walks, pressing, and classifying them. The next step is a lifelong work in progress herbarium, with drawings, photos and plants samples.
click on the photo to enlarge
Ok...this is just a sample! We have plants, leafs, flowers, roots...in every book big enought to press.

Is there such thing as an insectarium? Ga has one, of course he could not, never in his life, think about colecting a bug from it natural habitat so her grandmother is helping him with a nice collection of creatures in resin and some books about it.
Hours are spent in this position trying to find out if the sample is a female or male, which one is a rarity or poisonous species.He is now starting to identify and classify some local species.

Family challenges - from: Mystery Net´s Kids, Zéfiro,
Mia learned Portuguese sign language alphabet and his now learning words.
In my grandmothers time: Este trabalho foi escolhido numa proposta chamada tempo de mudança. A primeira ideia de fazer uma simples entrevista às avós cresceu e deu origem a um trabalho de partilha de objectos antigos e informações vindas das bocas de vários avôs. Apresentou o trabalho através de uma personagem que contava uma história, mostrou fotografias e um filme de todo o processo. A avó recolheu vários objectos que serviram como alavanca para uma conversa sobre outros tempos, montaram ambientes para reconstruir a vida de há 100 anos atrás, como fazer o almoço num fogão a petróleo, passar umas ceroulas a ferro com um ferro de brasas, escrever uma carta com uma caneta de aparo, tinteiro e mata borrão à luz de um candeeiro de petróleo, usar uma máquina de escrever. Visitaram a casa de amigos que guardam uma colecção muito bem conservada e ensinaram, com uma dedicação e paciência impressionantes como funcionava cada uma daquelas peças: um relógio de pêndulo, uma máquina de costura, uma lâmpada com 100 anos que ainda acende, 3 aparelhos de código morse de epocas e funcionamento diferentes, radios, gira-disco, balança de pesos, um pião, lamparinas, canetas de aparo, livros de caligrafia, etc. etc.. Cada objecto uma viagem no tempo, recordações e histórias...

quarta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2008

we just love this phrase...someday we´re going to write it on the wall, just to remind us..." Be the change you want to see". Go Ghandi !!

With a magic touch our blog is born! After all it was easy, didn´t hurt so much...
So, here we go...aboard this informatic adventure with "SUESTE" wind in favor and full home-school year to sail.
We decided to transform our usual workbook, full with doodles and colages into a more clean and visibel blog, to who´s interested in what we do.

Maybe you can excuse my english...oh, well! Its the easier way, everyone could learn portuguese and just read our original blog...its close to spanish...